
Wow. Start a blog, put up your first post and WAMMY a bunch of things get revealed. Some I can share, some I’m still processing. I promise I’ll do better at keeping current and checking in more frequently. Still getting the hang of this thing called blogging. The reoccuring themes seem to be “Authority vs. Power”, “Surrender”, and “Forgiveness”. Any of these could have years worth of blogging; so where to begin?

I’m reminded of my architectural thesis: “The Psychological Aspects of Architecture” (Feng Shui anyone?). One of the things I learned during that process was the importance of being in the flow of the process itself. When I went down a specific path and could see where it was leading me, I jumped off of the path onto a new one. To some this may seem manic. But if you see the end of the road, doesn’t the scenery get redundant? (I was the math student who found it annoying to have to write out each individual step of an algebraic problem, when what I wanted to say was “the answer is 2!”). So, yes, patience is one of my life lessons – and most definitely, that is the one the themes of my “in the meantime”.

In a way having patience and surrendering are two sides of the same coin. When I surrender to what is – right now – patience comes much more easily. Surrender parlays into power. I surrender because I ackowledge my powerlessness in a situation. Yet by surrendering, and allowing Something infinitely more Powerful than me, I gain access to a Power that I could never imagine – that enables me to live a life I never imagined – and empowers me to be my greatest self.

Sometimes things get in the way – life things – experiences that wear you down – distort your way of seeing yourself and others. Somewhere along the way you start believing the lies – you give your power away – you give someone else authority over your truth – your path – your life. You get lost. Thank God for earth angels. Thank God for God – the true Authority – the One who created you with all of your assets (and not-so-assets) – who made you uniquely who you are. One day at a time, you and God (or insert the name of your Higher Power here) lift the veils, brush off the dirt and SHINE.